The Refinery & Products Analyst studies and analyses refining operations and the product market as well as short-term developments in the product market. He/she studies capacity expansion in the oil refining industry and other related industries for the supply of petroleum products and prepares periodic reports for meetings of OPEC organs
- Engenharia de Minas
- Engenharia dos petróleos
Studies and analyses short-term developments in the supply, demand and stocks of petroleum products; examines and analyses refining margins on the basis of market fundamentals, refinery operation levels costs and the impact on the oil market;
2. Analyses the refining industry worldwide and monitors and assesses its short- to medium-term developments in terms of distillation and various conversion capacities, regional configuration schemes and favorable refinery operational modes according to seasonal demand patterns;
3. Examines price links between products in the main markets, i.e. the level of arbitrage trading;
4. Examines the effect of stricter product specifications in the medium term in major consuming countries on refined product supply and hence product price trends;
5. Monitors and analyses short-term, worldwide developments in the petrochemical and utility sectors;
6. Monitors and analyses substitution for petroleum products;
7. Monitors and analyses supply of petroleum products from other sources than crude oil such as GTL, NGL and condensate and non-conventional crude;
8. Consolidates findings of the above analyses and prepares and issues reports thereon.