- Engineering and preparation, based in Total Angola Head Office:
o To review of Contractor's QA/QC procedures and specifications applicable to worksites (onshore and offshore),
including final documentation and certification files.
o To anticipate to the development of the task packs preparation files,(Piping / Structure).
o To valid the QA/QC Plan, the level of NDT controls and the qualification for the NDT personnel.
o To develop general and specific QA/QC procedures, in accordance with Company specifications.
- Onshore QA/QC activities, on the basis of visits to worksites:
o To audit QA/QC on Contractor yards, eg: Service Quality Meeting (SQM).
o To follow-up of the execution of the action plans issued after the SQMs.
o To make Quality tours on Contractors yards to check pre-fabrication/welding completion quality.
o To manage the third party mobilization (Institut de soudure,etc..) for crucial phases of the construction.
o To insure Contractor compliance to the QA/QC requirements for documentation filling, material and control
traceability, material reception, storage and preservation.
o To insure compliance at worksites for QA/QC reporting of materiel anomalies.
o To control and valid the progress for QA/QC activities on worksites.
- Offshore QA/QC activities, on the basis site survey:
o To Be responsible for the quality of all the construction jobs performed on Total E&P Angola assets (Block 17) under
the ITV division supervision.
o To supervise all QA/QC activities performed for construction/installation on these assets.
o To liaise with the relevant Contractor QA/QC Representatives as well as for interfaces with FPSOs and Contractors
HSE representatives.
o To review and valid the tracking system in place for the As Built preparation and records.
o To review all NDT and certification files, including the documentation from the Vendors, and contractor.
During the onshore preparation/fabrication works, SERVICE consists of:
- Validation of Contractor QA/QC procedures and specifications for worksite and sites.
- Development of the Company QA/QC procedures applicable at worksites.
- Revision and validation of the derogation requests issued by Contractor, as required.
- Revision, comment and update of the pre-commissioning files developed by EP Contractor.
- Revision and input of the offshore preparation works, including:
o Revision of the task packs dossiers,
o Revision of the NDT plan,
o Validation of the preliminary work permits and associated task packs.
- Revision of the procedures developed by Contractor.
- Knowledge of Company SIMOPS procedures, bridging with procedures developed by Contractor for all offshore
construction activities.
- Develop of the templates for QA/QC Reporting in accordance to the Total Company requirements.
During the offshore activities, SERVICE consists of:
- Coordination of all QA/QC maters on worksites, in relation with Contractor Representatives.
- Coordination of the pre-commissioning offshore and hand over of Systems/Sub-systems to the Commissioning
- Review of the work permits before submission to the Exploitation Team.
- Input and assistance to the HU Preparation Leader for finalization of pre-commissioning task packs.
- Checking of the compatibility between QA/QC Company requirement, SIMOPS procedures and Company HSE rules.
- Reporting of QA/QC Construction activities and consolidation of the report of anomalies register and declaration for
both onshore and offshore Construction activities.
Preferentemente nacionalidade angolana
Imprescindível falar inglês
Experiência comprovável no sector petrolífero
Certificação BOSIET HUET
Conhecimentos de Office a nível usuario
Possibilidade de relocação entre as províncias (Luanda, Soyo, Cabinda)
Simples Oil
Confira vagas semelhantes
RESPONSÁVEL FINANCEIRO & ADMINISTRATIVO de Empresa multinacional de gestão de projectos
Business Analyst de Empresa líder em Consultoria
Estágio Remunerado para Engenharias: Ambiental, Hidráulica, Sanitária, Segurança do Trabalho, Química, Biologia ou Ciências do Ambiente de Empresa de Serviços Financeiros
Coordenador de Operações de Empresa líder em Outros
Técnico de Núcleo Arquivo Central de Empresa líder em Banca e Seguros
Secretária Administrativa (f) de Empresa líder em Consultoria