Coordenar e desenvolver polticas, programas, normas e regulamento sobre segurana do trabalho; Coordenar a investigao das causas de acidentes de trabalho, propondo medidas preventivas e correctivas para a actividade; Fiscalizar o cumprimento das normas de segurana, bem como utilizao dos respectivos equipamentos no p...
Main purpose of the job: Under the supervision of Senior Finance Officer - Grants/Contracts & Projects the incumbent will facilitate an efficient and effective financial administration accounting and reporting of project funds managed by the Secretariat Duties and Responsibilities Budgeting and Control Prepar...
Purpose of the job: Plan, coordinate, manage and direct the Internal Audit functions of the Secretariat Plan and execute internal audit, special investigation, inspection, monitoring and evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control, financial management, accounting, administrative, data q...
Job Purpose: Under the supervision of the Executive Secretary the incumbent will oversee all internal audit and risk management activities, and have the ultimate responsibility for the performance of the internal audit and risk management activity. Main duties and responsibilities Formulation, coordination, review...
Executa a produo mensal de informao contabilstica diversa da empresa, validando a informao entre os vrios meios de suporte e garantindo o fecho contabilstico mensal e anual, de forma a identificar eventuais erros e possibilitar as respectivas correces, bem como assegurar a disponibilizao de informao contabilstica f...
Revisar e avaliar a eficcia, suficincia e aplicao dos controles contbeis, financeiros e operacionais. Determinar a extenso dos controles sobre a existncia dos ativos da empresa e da sua proteo contra todo tipo de perda. Determinar o grau de confiana, das informaes e dados contbeis e de outra natureza, prepara...