- Tcnico Mdio ou frequncia Universitria em Farmcia ou Cincias Farmacuticas;- Experincia mnima de 3 anos em Farmcia Comercial ou Hospitalar de Referncia ou em Distribuidora de Medicamentos;- Boa Tcnicas de Negociao;- Capacidade de Liderana;- Boa comunicao oral e escrita;- Forte sentido de responsabilidade;- Domnio do...
- Within the framework, the job holder assist the Inventory Supervisor to provide safe, efficient and cost effective services to the Company with particular reference to inventory: - Responsible for carrying out within each accounting year, a 100% count of all the line items held in stock. - Ensure stock integ...
- Under the responsibility of the warehouse supervisor, perform current warehousing operations, handling and recording of materials movements - Ensure the maintenance of stored materials - Able to replace the warehouse supervisor for a short period of time. HSE : - Respect of the safety and e...
- Under the responsibility of the warehouse supervisor, perform current warehousing operations, handling and recording of materials movements - Ensure the maintenance of stored materials - Able to replace the warehouse supervisor for a short period of time. HSE : - Respect of the safety and e...