Responsvel pela preparao correcta e eficiente das Operaes de Instalaes Submarinas englobam poos, equipamentos submarinos, linhas submarinas, topsides; Responsvel pelo pr-comissionamento / comissionamento no exterior e pela inicializao dos equipamentos submarinos relacionados. Como tal, o prestador de servio respons...
Installs & repairs wiring, fixtures & equipment for all electrical services, following blueprints & wiring diagram; Installs conduit to bulkheads with brackets & screws, using hand tools & threads wires thru conduit to terminals, such as connection boxes, circuit breakers, voltage regulators &...
Objectivo: Auxiliar na concluso e implementao de projetos de ativos fixos e quaisquer outros projetos de Angola. Tarefas Principais: -Implementar planos de projeto para garantir projetos atuais so executados dentro do oramento, cronograma, qualidade e satisfao. -Realizar atividades e tarefas para garantir que as m...
Responsvel por realizar o Planeamento e o Controle da Manuteno Industrial analisando dados do sistema e os dados fornecidos pela reas de manuteno e produo. Responsvel pela elaborao de relatrios de indicadores para apoiar na tomada de deciso. Atribuies bsicas: Realizar planeamento preventivo, correctivo e predic...
Assures the uniform and profitable administration of established labor relations programs by representing the company at contract negotiations, grievances, disciplinary hearings, arbitrations, and providing research and pertinent data for litigation proceedings. Simultaneously handle multiple union labor contracts...
Purpose of the job: Plan, coordinate, manage and direct the Internal Audit functions of the Secretariat Plan and execute internal audit, special investigation, inspection, monitoring and evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control, financial management, accounting, administrative, data q...
Purpose of the job: Provide policy guidance in the development, coordination and implementation of SADC HIV and AIDS Strategic Framework including the effective implementation of an inter-sectoral SADC response to HIV and AIDS in the SADC region Manage the efforts and performance of the team falling under the re...
Receive the maintenance repair request, perform the work in accordance with the instruction of the supervisor or maintenance nit head if needed; Repairs & maintains, in accordance with diagrams, sketches, operation manuals & manufacturers specifications machineries & mechanical equipments, such as: moto...
Objectivo do cargo: Ser responsvel pelo processamento, compilao, anlise, apresentao de relatrios e divulgao de dados e estatsticas sobre todas as matrias relacionadas com a integrao regional da SADC Ser responsvel pela manuteno da base de dados estatsticos, informaes e conhecimentos integrados regionais Funes e R...
Objectivo do Posto: Apoiar o Oficial Snior de Programas na facilitao e coordenao dos processos de formulao de polticas, planificao, programao e monitorizao e avaliao, com vista a aumentar o comrcio intra e extra SADC com base em acordos comerciais justos, mutuamente equitativos e benficos Funes e Responsabilidades...