Conhecimento de Gesto Administrativa. Processamento salarial ( Preferencial). Conhecimento em ferramentas ( Excel avanado, Word e PowerPoint). Experincia Profissional de 5 anos para cima. Trabalhar sobre presso. Formao de nvel Superior em Recursos Humanos; Experincia em gesto de clientes. Experincia em coordenao de...
A misso destes Assistentes ser essencialmente, fazer tampas (material cartonado, que ser colocado em cima das paletes que saem da linha) e iro ainda apoiar a linha com o abastecimento de material de apoio.
Purpose of the job: To coordinate the payroll function ensuring that direct and control personnel implementing payment control tasks related to payroll achieve set objectives. Duties and Responsibilities Accounting Obtain, up-date and maintain a register of signatures on institutional payroll authorisations in l...
Main purpose of the job: Under the supervision of Senior Finance Officer - Grants/Contracts & Projects the incumbent will facilitate an efficient and effective financial administration accounting and reporting of project funds managed by the Secretariat Duties and Responsibilities Budgeting and Control Prepar...
Job Purpose: Under the supervision of the Executive Secretary the incumbent will oversee all internal audit and risk management activities, and have the ultimate responsibility for the performance of the internal audit and risk management activity. Main duties and responsibilities Formulation, coordination, review...
Finalidade da Funo: Desenvolver, examinar, analisar, avaliar os sistemas, Mecanismos de Controlo Interno de informao do Secretariado e os procedimentos de gesto, para garantir que os registos sejam precisos e que os controles de informaes estejam em vigor. Rever os livros e os procedimentos contbeis, para garant...